Brand New in ’22!

Hello, Everyone, and Happy New Year! Here’s a quick thought as we start a new chapter in our lives called 2022. Hope you enjoy!

We live in an area where we get snow, but not very often, and not for very long. So, this new year started off with quite a surprise when we got two snows in five days. The first snow was a very wet, sticky kind of snow and it was perfect for making snowballs and snowmen. It was also a very heavy snow, and the weight of it crushed the wire roof of the chicken run. The second snow was light and fluffy, and while it looked beautiful on the ground, it wasn’t much good for packing and making things with it.

Life seems to happen like these two snowfalls. Sometimes, it’s heavy and the weight of it causes some to feel crushed and there are repairs that need to be made. Other times, life seems to bring fluffy and white circumstances that are pretty, but don’t carry much meaning. And then, there are the days in between the snowfalls. We are cleaning up and repairing (like I did the first day after the first snow) or we are catching our breaths and waiting for the next thing to happen.

It takes all kinds of days to make up a year long chapter in our lives. Some days will be heavy, some days will be light, and other days will be the days in between. Take each day as it comes, and know that “My (God’s) grace is sufficient for you” no matter what kind of day it is. Make the repairs, enjoy the memories, and sometimes, stay inside and watch the snowfall from the window. It’s going to be a great chapter with lots of words, actions, adventure and emotion as we travel through in ’22. Hope you will enjoy it with me.

Hope you have a good, Godly day! Blessings, tammy

About simplydevotions

author; mother; teacher; friend; public speaker.
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